Main indications

Bone biopsies
Harvesting of autologous bone material
Osteocartilage Defects (Single-and composite grafts) e.g.
Osteochondrosis dissecans
Traumatical cartilageulcus
Unilateral Gonarthrosis
Osteosynthetical Treatments (Fracture Dowelling)
Flake fracture/Osteochondral fractures
Fractures of the joint with bone-cartilage-fragments for refixation
Fractures of the condyles
Head of the Femur Necroses (Avascular Necroses of the Bone)
Metaphyseal Fractures
Arthrodeses of Symphisis, upper and lower jump joint, Root of the foot (Talo-Navicular Tarso-metatarsal-I-Joint, Metarsophalane Joint)
Fractures and Nonunions of the Scaphoid and Talus
Treatment of osteochondral defects with bone grafting in combination with matrix-induced ACT